A position - non-working postion
alt - alternate(ly)
approx - approximately
BB - back bed
beg - beginning
carr - carriage
CB - centre back
cm - centimetre(s)
CAL - carriage at left
CAR - carriage at right
cont - continue
dec - decrease(ing)
ev - every
FB - front bed
FNR - full needle rib
foll - following
g - grams
G-Carr - garter carriage
HP - hold position
inc - increase(ing)
incl - inclusive
K - knit
KC - knit carriage
LC - lace carriage
MB - main bed
MC - main colour
mm - millimetre
MT - main tension
MY - main yarn
N(s) - needle(s)
NWP - non-working position (A position)
opp - opposite
patt - pattern
RB - ribber
RC - row counter
rem - remaining
rept - repeat
rk - rack(ing)
RP - rest position
RTR - remove knitting, turn work over and rehang on the same needles
SS - stitch size
st(s) - stitch(es)
st-st - stocking stitch
T - tension
TD - tension dial
T6/2 - tension MB/RB e.g. T6 = MB, T2 = RB
tog - together
trans - transfer
UWP - upper working position
WK - Using WY, K a few rows & release from machine
WP - working position
WY - waste yarn
ZZ - zig-zag row
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